Hiring The Right Way: Make It Memorable For The New Team Member

Weekly Trivia 🤔 Question: 

How are insurance companies incorporating technology to promote health and wellness among policyholders?

* Answer at the bottom of the newsletter👇

Today In 5 Minutes Or Less (TLDR):

đź”’ Transform Your Approach With Actionable Insightsđź”’

Dear Loyal Reader:

We've all been there: you're in a bind, scrambling to replace an outgoing staff member, and the hiring process feels like hitting a moving target. It's tempting to settle for anyone with a pulse and a license just to keep the wheels spinning. But let's break the cycle. Here's how you can elevate your hiring strategy and build a high performing team that sticks.

 Hiring is Prospecting

Think of hiring as you would prospecting. You don't settle for just any lead; you focus on attracting the right prospects through a well defined funnel. Apply the same principle here.

 Actionable Steps: 

 Create Job Funnel Metrics: Just like sales, measure how many candidates enter the funnel, pass through the interview stages, and ideally, convert into hires.

 Process Over Panic

When the need to hire arises, panic can set in, leading to hasty decisions. Instead, have a robust, replicable process.

 Actionable Steps: 

 Develop a Concrete Process: Design a step by step hiring procedure that includes multiple stages like initial screening, assessment tests, and multiple rounds of interviews.

 Use Automation: Tools like Calendly or Zoom for scheduling can streamline preliminary interviews, enabling you to handle higher volumes without additional pressure.

 Identify Your Ideal Candidate

Define what makes the perfect candidate for your agency. Not just in skills but qualities like persistence and a strong mental attitude.

 Actionable Steps: 

 Create an Avatar: List down qualities, past experiences, and traits that fit your agency’s ethos. Use these to align your interview questions.

 Behavioral Questions: Focus on situational questions. For instance, "Describe a time you had to meet a tight deadline. How did you handle it?"

 Sell and Unsell Your Agency

It's not enough to just entice candidates with the perks. Be honest about the challenges too.

 Actionable Steps:

 Transparent Communication: Lay out all the benefits and drawbacks of working at your agency. This ensures that candidates have a balanced understanding and are genuinely interested.

 Qualifying Follow Up: Request candidates to reflect on your agency and call back within a defined period. This sets the tone for punctuality and commitment.

 Assess and Compare

Introduce an assessment stage to quantify candidate capabilities and compare them objectively.

 Actionable Steps: 

 Consistent Assessments: Use the same assessment tools for all candidates. It offers a benchmark to measure them against your top performers.

 Quantifiable Data: Data from assessments will give you insights into the skills and sales strengths needed for the role.

  Keep the Funnel Full

Just as you would never stop generating leads, don't stop attracting potential hires.

 Actionable Steps: 

 Constant Sourcing: Regularly source candidates, even when you're not in immediate need. Being ahead can save you from the panic situation.

 Group Interviews: Conduct group interviews to save time and meet more prospects quickly.

 Look Beyond The License

Don’t restrict yourself to only licensed candidates.

 Actionable Steps: 

 Broaden Search: Consider candidates from various industries who display the qualities you value.

 Excitement Over Experience: Candidates from other fields are often excited for a new opportunity, bringing fresh energy and a willingness to learn.

  Create a Winning Culture

Once you've hired the right people, ensure you provide an environment where they can thrive.

 Actionable Steps: 

 Leverage Lead Volume: Provide more leads than any competitor. Build a robust support system with telemarketers and well defined processes.

 Long term Vision: Cultivate a culture where success is the only outcome. If your team consistently hits their goals, they have no reason to leave.

Remember, it’s all about creating a process where the right people find you, and you find them. If you stick to these steps, you’ll not only hire better but will also retain a team that's as strong as your vision for the agency.

Keep crushing it!

Craig Pretzinger and Jason Feltman

The Insurance Dudes! 🚀


I don't know if anybody else has felt like that, where you're on that panic, you're willing to hire anybody type thing, and that's horrible. There's too many people out there that are awesome to use that method, because what happens with that method is that you're guaranteed to not have much success.

Jason Feltman

Boosting Referrals with Tech Tools in Insurance Agencies

Technology can play a significant role in the referral game, and it's time we take advantage of that. There are tools out there that streamline the referral process, making it easy for your clients to refer you with just a couple of clicks. I’m talking automation, folks. Imagine a system set up through email that not only asks for reviews but also nudges clients to refer you. This isn’t just a theory; it’s a reality that's been yielding fantastic results.

We have a process that involves setting up a compliant email system. This system sends out emails that ask for reviews. And let me tell you, we've been swimming in reviews since we started this. But here's the kicker—those reviews then lead to referrals. It’s a domino effect. Whenever someone leaves a glowing review, there's a higher chance their friends or family will reach out to us based on that recommendation. And guess what? I’ve found it effective to bonus my team based on the number of positive reviews they help generate. It’s a win win; the team feels appreciated and rewarded, and the agency grows through word of mouth.

Now, let’s get real. A review is essentially a form of referral. People these days read reviews like their go to source of information before making any decision. When somebody sees a slew of positive reviews, it builds trust and encourages them to reach out. It's like having dozens of mini referrals working for you 24/7. Our clients talk to their friends, neighbors, and families about their fantastic experiences, and next thing you know, we've got more potential clients knocking on our doors.

But let’s not forget the backbone of all referrals, whether tech enhanced or old school—exceptional service. Your primary goal should always be to provide the best service possible. No referral system or automated tool can compensate for poor service. People remember how you make them feel, and if you go the extra mile to solve their problems and provide value, they will naturally want to share that experience. So, make excellence a habit.

In the end, tech is just a tool. It's incredibly powerful and can give your referral game a massive boost, but it all starts with exceptional service. Without that fundamental element, no amount of automation can transform your referrals. So, focus on being the best and then let technology amplify your efforts. That’s the sweet spot.

"Technology can also play a big role in making referrals easy and trackable. There's tools out there that allow your clients to refer you with just a couple clicks. Right? They can automate the process."

Craig Pretzinger

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We are on a mission to find the best insurance agents around the country to find out how they are creating some of the top agencies.

But we do not stop there, we also bring professionals from other industries for insights that can help agents take their agencies to the next level.

Answer To The Weekly Trivia Question: 

Insurance companies have been increasingly incorporating technology into their operations to promote health and wellness. Some insurers now offer incentives such as discounts or rewards for policyholders who use wearable fitness trackers to monitor their physical activity and health metrics.

We put together a free book and checklist to grow your insurance agency 👉 Here


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